Sunday, March 13, 2011

Social Media Device

This project was given to us as a way to research and design something that would benefit our culture in the future since social media is becoming such a huge part.  My decision was to take the normal everyday screen and make it into interlocking hexagonal panels that could be shaped in any way the owner decides. These panels could be used as a single screen or a wall installation you could even create a igloo shaped object for Young children and since the device has web cam technology then if a kid is playing inside the parents could keep a look on what they are doing.  I believe these panels add a aspect of design and interest to the everyday computer screen and by allowing it to be installed anywhere makes it a great addition to technology we already have.

Parti Board

Inspiration image that led to the choice of the hexagonal shape.

This is a simple model of the panels and how they would lock together.

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