Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Greensboro Historic Museum Site Study

When walking through the Greensboro Historic Museum I considered important points in the experience, those being the approach, the arrival, the waiting process, destinations, side trips, secondary activities, and departing.  However this museum is not logically planed out or designed it is just a mod podge of different ideas that did not flow together and gave off mixed design messages.

Upon arriving at the Museum parking lot you have to walk up the long pathway along the side of the building to the courtyard where you are drawn to the grand arched entry way. After passing through the doors you become so distracted by all the things going on that you don't know where to focus your attention. The mix matched furniture and the randomized display cases distract from the focus of the museum. There is a display over on the left hand side of the museum where it funnels back towards the auditorium space. The high ceilings add to the distraction because they allow you to view all 3 levels of the museum. However there is  somewhat of a focal point  of the lobby there is a spiral staircase that leads to the museum exhibit upstairs. The museum is not organized very well however you are eventually lead to the upstairs exhibits.


{diagramming process}

{refined diagram}

{factors that impact use + perception}
occasions-exhibits, presentation, shows in auditorium
players-viewers, workers,security guards
resources-exhibits, shows, gift shop
surroundings-light both artificial and natural, wall treatments, sound, banners, staircase, reception desk

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